kim culbert photography open for outdoor sessions

Last Saturday was the perfect evening for a family session in White Rock. The sun was out, the air was warm, and the family was amazing. Even Charlie, the crazy 7 year old pup was mostly well behaved. (although I had to include the outtake from our session including said pup.) And this family needs no photoshop… such photogenic people!
And it was on the way home from the session that I realized that I actually had met this family… quite a few years ago when the girls were practically babies as flower girls at our friend’s wedding!
This little girl made her entrance into the world during one of the nicest springs I can remember. The weather has been unbelievable, allowing beautiful spring blooms to pop up throughout our city.
Little Miss R was 8 days old for our session, and such a dream. She was content to be awake but then drifted off to sleep with no problems.
Enjoy your sneak peek of her session:
My friend had her baby back in August, but they were down in the States and not coming back for a while. Once she was back and settled, her little man was past the “prime” newborn stage for photos. Knowing that sometimes older newborns take a long time to settle she came over and we settled in for the day of capturing his awake cuteness and waiting for him to fall asleep. And waiting. And waiting. Eventually he fell asleep for about 20 minutes, just enough to get some cute sleeping photos before he decided that we were doing fun things without him and he wanted to be awake again.
Enjoy your gallery of your adorable little man…
Even though it’s Mother’s Day, I feel blessed every day that I have two amazing sons who are such characters, and who make me laugh on a daily basis. They are helping to mold me into a better person, and I can’t imagine my life without them.
Here’s a shout out to all the great moms out there. To the ones that are just starting out, learning the nuances of what each little sound means; and who maybe sometimes feel like they have no idea what they are doing. To the ones who have loved and lost a child… the heartbreak is unimaginable to me, but I wish you all the strength in the world to not give up. To each and every mom, I say to you “Do your best, and you will be great.” That’s all that these little people who look up to us ask for… our best we can be on each given day. Sometimes your best might just be that you got them dressed and fed… there shouldn’t be any judging as long as you do your best.
Here’s to each and every one of you that is a mom, or love a mom…. enjoy your day!
When O’s mom contacted me to shoot her daughter’s birthday session, I wasn’t really sure what to expect, but I thought it would be a lot of fun. Sure enough, O brought her great friend P, and the two of them had a blast posing, laughing and making memories. It brought me back to my childhood days, having fun with my girlfriends. So, not only was I able to capture these moments for this duo, but I got to relive some of the charm of being 13.
Enjoy your teasers…